Our Mission
At Bethany United Church of Christ, Our Purpose Is:
To Do Justice
Love Kindness
And Walk Humbly With Your God
Bethany United Church of Christ is a community of people of faith who come from different walks of life, yet have a common vision to be a multiracial, multicultural, anti-racist, intergenerational, open and affirming church.
The Beloved Bethany Community
Every week, we as a community, need to be reminded that we are Beloved, and that we are called to be a Beloved Community. As we come to see that God truly sees us as Beloved, we as a community will respond by being and living as God’s Beloved.
For God has loved you, loves you now, and will love you always. This is the good news of God. Come and see each week, here at Beloved Bethany, the good news alive and growing in this community of faith.
You are Beloved. Your neighbor is Beloved. We are Beloved.
Thanks be to God!
- Sunday Worship Services - 10:30am
- ReWA Preschool Head Start Program
Half Day and Full Day - M-F
- Natural Health and Wellness
- EJ Kitchen
- Tiny House Villages
- Beacon Hill Mutual Aid
There’s plenty of handicap accessible parking on the Beacon Avenue entrance into our two parking lots, with overflow parking available on the street.
Click here to download the PDF Form for:
Bethany Church Campus Rental
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A wedding between two people is a joyful celebration of the beginning of the marriage between two beloved people and their families, blessed by one’s friends and community.
Our Bethany Church sanctuary, with its top-notch acoustics, is a beautiful place to celebrate this gift from God.
When available, the church sanctuary — along with the hospitality/multi-purpose room and kitchen — are open to members and friends of the community at no cost. Permission from the pastor or board, along with a fee for use of the space, is needed if you are not a church member.
Sacrament of Holy Communion
In the Beloved Bethany Community, the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Communion is practiced. We serve Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper, on the first Sunday of each month. We practice intinction, which means each and everyone gathered in community is invited to Christ’s Table. As each woman, man, youth and child comes forward for the bread in the cup, we are reminded that we are Beloved. The bread is broken for you. The cup is poured out for you. We do this in remembrance of the Crucified and Resurrected Christ who dares to love more than anything else, in doing justice, mercy and walking with God and all God’s people.
Sacrament of Holy Baptism
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Baptism, both Infant Baptism and Adult Baptism. We believe in one baptism.
In infant baptism, ordinarily the parent(s) or guardians of the child(ren) are active members of the congregation. In the service, they promise to provide love, faith, hope and guidance within the community of faith until the child is ready to make a personal profession of faith and assume the responsibility of active church membership.
In adult baptism, the adult chooses to acknowledge the role of Jesus Christ in his or her life, making a profession of faith.
Our baptism is with water from the baptismal font in front of the sanctuary. Our baptism affirms that we belong to God and that we are Beloved.