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Bethany United Church of Christ

   Reverend Angela Ying, Pastor   ||   206-725-7535   ||
   6230 Beacon Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98108 (at Beacon and Graham)
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Concrete Actions of Faith and Social Justice
Concrete and Tangible Actions in Community Do Make a Difference
Long Walk to Freedom
At Bethany United Church of Christ, Our Purpose Is:
      To Do Justice
      Love Kindness
      And Walk Humbly With Your God

Bethany United Church of Christ is a community of people of faith who come from different walks of life, yet have a common vision to be a multiracial, multicultural, anti-racist, intergenerational, open and affirming church.

Below are a few concrete actions we, in faith and community, can choose to all take today to help with various climate action initiatives and our refugees. If you have an action to share, email
You are Beloved. Keep on growing beloved community. Thank you.

Bethany UCC makes sandwhiches for it’s neighbors
image of Croissant
Croissant on Parade
image by AY   
image of sandwiches
P B + J
image by AY   

Rally for African American Reparations
July 24, 2021, at Noon
Spruce Street Mini Park (21 Ave. & E. Fir St.), Seattle.

See article from the South Seattle Emerald: “Photo Essay: Faith Leaders Rally for Reparations” by Susan Fried, July 28, 2021
Rally Poster
Rally for African American Reparations
July 24, 2021, at Noon
Spruce Street Mini Park (21 Ave. & E. Fir St.), Seattle.

To see larger version of flyer, Right Mouse Click on image,
and click menu choice “Open Image in New Tab.”
You can make an 8.5x11 print from that tab.
Angela Ying

Rev. Angela Ying, Bethany United Church of Christ,
speaking at the Rally for African American Reparations.
July 24, 2021, Spruce Street Mini Park, Seattle

Image: Susan Fried   

Angela Ying

Larry Gossett, Former King County Council Member,
speaking at the Rally for African American Reparations.
July 24, 2021, Spruce Street Mini Park, Seattle

Image: Susan Fried   

Rent Control Petition

From Seattle Council Member Kshama Sawant:

“Seattle is in the throes of a stunning and unprecedented affordable housing and homelessness crisis. Skyrocketing rents are driving working-class households, seniors, students, and especially working families of color out of our city. We need rent control.”
Sign the Petition Download the Petition

Nickelsville - Othello

Nickelsville - Othello is a tiny-home village for low-income residents. The village is entirely self-governing. The original Nickelsville was born from the inhumane, destructive encampment sweeps ordered by former Mayor Greg Nickels.

We invite you to bring to Bethany Church any of the following items to help our neighbors at Nickelsville - Othello:

  • Blankets, Sleeping Bags, Pillows.
  • Toilet Paper.
  • Hand Sanitizer.
  • Compostable or Reusable Plates, Bowls, Cutlery .
  • Cleaning Supplies; Dish Soap, Sanitizing Spray, Paper Towels.
  • Size 3 Diapers, Wipes.
  • Non-Perishable Food; Cans, Dry Goods. All within expire dates.
  • Fresh Fruit, Vegetables.
  • 33-gallon Black Tie-closed Trash Bags.
  • Kitchen Compost Bags.
  • Batteries, all sizes.
  • Flashlights and Battery-Powered Lanterns.
  • Hygiene Supplies; Shampoo, Conditioner, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Tampons, Sanitary Pads.

Immigration Efforts

Our beloved Bethany Church community shines by standing in solidarity with our migrants, who have the human, and legal right, to seek refuge in America.
  • South and Central Migrants Rapid Response Network
    Faith and community leaders from around the city gather monthly at Bethany United Church of Christ to teach “Know Your Rights,” and to support immigrants, refugees, and migrants by standing up to every day injustices. -

  • Standing Alongside Our Muslim Sisters and Brothers
    Bethany Partners with Muslim Association of Puget Sound
    #Repeal the Ban. No Ban Act!

  • Creating Cards
    To send cards to our thousands of asylum-seeking neighbors who have recently fled extreme violence in Central America, to build new lives in the United States. - Contact: Jared Howe

  • Collecting Blankets, Gloves, Hats
    Please help fill our boxes with new and lightly-used warm clothing, for our homeless sisters and brothers. - Contact: Jermecia Jackson

  • Help 80 Seattle Families
    Our Christmas Gifts program, in partnership with our sister church, University Congregational UCC. - Donations Contact: Pastor Angela Ying

  • Renewing Pledges and Financial Support
    Help promote justice, loving kindness, and to walking humbly with God, here in our church, communities, and around the world! - Contact: Bernice Cade

  • Post-Worship Services Community Meals
    Join us preparing our weekly meal. - Contact: Tate and Theresa Anderson
To reach all, call 206-725-7535, or write to

Further Resource: Northwest Immigrants Rights Project (NWIRP)

Bethany UCC joins more than 100,000 at the Women’s March (2.0) in Olympia & Seattle, WA - 2018-01-20
T-Shirts: ''Vets Against Trump'' and ''Unapologetically Muslim''
Marching in Seattle, 2018-01-20
Sign: ''Men - Women - Unite for Equality!''
Marching at the Washington State Capitol building in Olympia, 2017-01-21

Hurricane Relief Organizations

We continue to pray and put our faith into action for our brothers and sisters affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria.

Hurricane Harvey Recovery in Texas

      A Just Harvey Recovery (

      Donate to the t.e.j.a.s. Harvey Fund (ourpower.nationbuilder)

      West St Response Team (gofundme)

      National Black United Front - Houston (facebook)

Hurricane Irma recovery in Haiti

      Support Haitian-led Hurricane Recovery Support (Grassroots International)

“Where to Donate to Harvey Victims (and How to Avoid Scams)”
by Christina Caron, New York Times, August 28, 2017
The following is excerpted from their list of assistance groups.

National Organizations

      All Hands Volunteers - working on damaged homes and removing debris.

      American Kidney Fund - providing emergency financial grants to dialysis patients.

      American Red Cross - You can also text HARVEY to 90999 to donate $10.

      AmeriCares - medicine and supplies to survivors.

      Catholic Charities - food, clothing, shelter and support services to those from all religious backgrounds.

      Direct Relief - shipping medicine and medical supplies to Texas.

      Matthew 25: Ministries - distributing personal care kits, cleaning products, first aid and safety kits, diapers, paper products and tarps.

      Salvation Army - also 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769) or texting STORM to 51555.

      Save the Children - delivering baby supplies, including cribs and strollers, and setting up child-friendly spaces in shelters.

      Samaritan’s Purse - volunteer teams are helping homeowners by cutting trees and adding tarps to roofs.

      SBP (national disaster recovery nonprofit) - conducts damage assessment and help residents rebuild.

      AABB (transfusion medicine and cellular therapies standards and implementation) - coordinates to manage blood collection
            during disasters, put out a call for blood donations. Most in demand: those with type O-positive blood.

To donate blood:

      AABB, America’s Blood Centers, American Red Cross, Armed Services Blood Program.

May Day March

The Annual May Day March for Workers and Immigrant Rights
Inseparable Struggles, Inseparable Solutions

May 1st, 11 am, at Judkins Park, 2150 South Norman St, Seattle.
Marching to downtown Seattle.
Led by El Comite - 206-465-5511,

Support workers and immigrants, as we seek a just transition to a clean energy economy. We know that these struggles are inseparable, from our fight from climate action. The May Day march this year, in Seattle, will be a big, bold demonstration of Blue-Green resolve. This year’s theme: “Inseparable Struggles, Inseparable Solutions” led locally by El Comite and many local and national organizations.

ACLU members and supporters, nationwide, are taking to the streets in the spirit of May Day, an historic day of solidarity. A time where we step out of our workplaces to drive action and demand change to ensure every person is treated fairly and equally. Many immigrants around the country are going on strike to demonstrate that immigrants help make America run day in-and-day-out. Also, the ACLU is standing in solidarity by working with immigrant leaders and allies at the Center for Community Change Action, Reform Immigration for America, and FIRM to organize marches in support of immigrant rights nationwide. More information from ACLU’s People Power.

Earth Day

Earth Day Saturday with Black Power Epicenter Cooperative (BPEC)
April 22, on the Bethany United Church campus led by Nyema Clark, Senait Brown, and our young people.

ACTION - The Affordable Care Act - Still in Jeopardy

The House of Representatives attempted to repeal the Affordable Care Act. If they had repealed the ACA – by passing the “American Health Care Act” – it would have taken away health insurance from 24 million Americans.

On the afternoon of March 24, 2017, House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the Republican health care bill. While president Trump bullied hard to pass the bill that would replace the ACA, the Republicans didn’t have the votes to pass it. This was due to the unprecedented grassroots resistance, evidenced by the nonstop e-mails and calls to representatives and senators, attending town hall meetings, protests, and Tweets, all fiercely defending health care for millions of Americans. MoveOn reported that their members made more than 40,000 calls to Congress just today, on March 24. The Washington Post reported that calls ran 50-to-1 against the bill. [“Per House members, phone calls on the GOP health bill run 48-to-1 against” - The Washington Post, March 24, 2017]

Please send a message to your representatives, opposing repeal of the ACA, via ACLU:
        Hands off our healthcare: don’t repeal the ACA

ACTION - Earth Day Lights Out

Saturday, March 25, 8:30-9:30 pm - Earth Day Lights Out, in partnership with Worldwide Wildlife Fund, takes place across the country.

To show awareness of the effects we have on Mother Earth, you can join by shutting off all your lights from 8:30-9:30 pm. See what millions of participants can do to stop climate change with one hour.

Women’s March in Seattle - 2017-01-21
Sign: ''Women are Perfect''
Marching at the Seattle Center, 2017-01-21
Sign: ''Make America Think Again''
Marching at the Seattle Center, 2017-01-21

Support Climate Justice by Opposing HB 1885

Contact your State Legislator to voice your opposition to House Bill 1885, which would work against our Water for People, Farms, and Fish Priority (HB 1918) by overturning the Hirst V. Whatcom County decision and limiting the ability of the Department of Ecology to adopt meaningful mitigation programs.

For the 37th district, you can call:
        Rep. Pettigrew (one of the bill’s co-sponsors) - 360-786-7838
        Rep. Santos - 360-786-7944
        Senator Saldana - 360-786-7688

Never Again - Remembrance Service and Gathering

On February 19, 2017, at the Seattle Center’s Fisher Pavilion, hundreds gathered to hear about the horrific United States American president’s Executive Order 9066. It was signed and issued, during World War II, by president Franklin D. Roosevelt, on February 19, 1942. Earlier in the day, a special service was given at the Bethany United Church of Christ, both in Seattle, Washington.

Rev. Angela Ying
Remembrance Service at Bethany Church, Rev. Angela Ying, 2017-02-19
Michele Storms, Deputy Director at ACLU-WA
Remembrance Gathering at Seattle Center, 2017-02-19
Michele Storms, Deputy Director at ACLU-WA
At the Pavilion, introductions were made by Michele Storms, Deputy Director at ACLU-WA, and the speakers included Arsalan Bukhari of Council on American-Islamic Relations, and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal.

They recalled the horrible Executive Order which put 120,000 of our brothers and sisters of Japanese ancestry into “internment” (concentration) camps in the United States. The stated reason for this was because these citizens were considered to be “posing a threat to national security.” More than two-thirds of those imprisoned were American citizens. There businesses and home properties were often confiscated. No similar internment was ever launched against residents of German ancestry.

Now is the time to putting our faith into action, to make sure this never happens, today, to our brothers and sisters who are Muslims in the United States.

Seattle’s Socially Responsible Banking Ordinance - A WIN

All Seattle City Council members voted for this ordinance, CB 118905 (Ordinance No: 125257), on February 10, 2017.

Please thank your Seattle City Council. The responsible banking ordinance was introduced by Councilmember Sawant, which allows Seattle to divest nearly $3 billion from Wells Fargo, one of the main banks financially supporting the Dakota Access pipeline.

District 1 - Lisa Herbold - 206-684-8803
District 2 - Bruce Harrell - 206-684-8804
District 3 - Kshama Sawant - 206-684-8016
District 4 - Rob Johnson - 206-684-8808
District 5 - Debora Juarez - 206-684-8805
District 6 - Mike O’Brien - 206-684-8800
District 7 - Sally Bagshaw - 206-684-8801
Position 8 - Tim Burgess - 206-684-8806
Position 9 - Lorena González - 206-684-8802

Standing Rock March in Seattle - 2017-01-02

Thousands marched in the streets of Seattle, and gathered at City Hall, to protest the installation of an oil pipeline in North Dakota which will run through Native American holy ground, and threatens their water table.

The Standing Rock Indian Reservation is located in North Dakota and South Dakota, and is occupied by ethnic Hunkpapa Lakota, Sihasapa Lakota and Yanktonai Dakota. Together with the Hunkpapa and Sihasapa bands, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is part of what was known as the Great Sioux Nation.

“In honor of our future generations, we fight this pipeline to protect our water, our sacred places, and all living beings.” - Dave Archambault, Chair of Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council

Sign: ''We the People: Are Greater than Fear''
Marching at Seattle City Hall, 2017-01-02
Bob Barnes, Rev. Angela Ying, Raymond L. Kingfisher
Marching at the Seattle Center - Bob Barnes, Rev. Angela Ying,
Raymond L. Kingfisher (Northern Cheyenne Tribe), 2017-01-21
Sign: ''Stand with Standing Rock: Water is Life - Defund DAPL''
Marching at Seattle City Hall - Native American Drummers in bottom far left of image, 2017-01-02

Children’s Trust Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Bill, HB 1372

Even though Washington is a progressive state, we have done very little to reduce our carbon emissions, and we must drastically reduce our carbon emissions immediately or else climate tipping points will be breached. This bill updates Washington State’s greenhouse gas emission reduction targets to ensure that our children have a livable future.

Please call your state representatives and senator and let them know you support this bill.

For the 37th district, you can call:
        Rep. Pettigrew (one of the bill’s co-sponsors) - 360-786-7838
        Rep. Santos - 360-786-7944
        Senator Saldana - 360-786-7688

Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve No Longer Under Attack - A Partial WIN

Gateway Abandons Cherry Point Coal Plans

On February 8th, backers of the Gateway Pacific Terminal withdrew their applications to build a 48-million-ton-per-year coal export terminal at Cherry Point. This conclusive victory comes after the Army Corps of Engineers acknowledged that the coal terminal would violate the Lummi Nation’s treaty-protected fishing rights.

If the plan had gone unchallenged, the Gateway Pacific Terminal could have been fully operational last year, already bringing dirty coal through traditional fishing areas and our communities. However, it is critical to note we do need to stay vigilant, as proponents have indicated a desire to transport other fossil fuels from Cherry Point, and possibly challenge the Army Corps’ decision upholding the Lummi treaty rights.

SB 5171 Still Active, as of March 12, 2017

SB 5171 could rescind the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) recent decision to protect Cherry Point and ultimately undermine DNR’s ability to manage our state’s aquatic lands. The bill could stop DNR’s ability to designate, establish, and/or enlarge any aquatic reserve. The bill also reduces the amount of state money available for protecting clean land and critical habitat.

To see current status, go to “SB 5171 - 2017-18” - Washington State Legislature

Please call your state representatives and senator to oppose SB 5171.

For the 37th district, you can call:
        Rep. Pettigrew (one of the bill’s co-sponsors) - 360-786-7838
        Rep. Santos - 360-786-7944
        Senator Saldana - 360-786-7688

Refugee Articles from The Interfaith Immigration Coalition

“More than 3,500 Religious Leaders Sign Letter Supporting Refugee Resettlement”

“Updated Faith Leader Letter: Welcome Refugees of all Nationalities & Religions”

How to Halt the Trump Administration’s Unconstitutional Actions -
Article by Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director:

“ACLU’s 7-Point Plan of Action to Take on the Trump Administration”

ACLU “Power to the People” Conference - Notes from Lynn Heinisch.

Bethany’s social justice ministry continues to partner with the ACLU, whose priorities are: human, civil and immigrants, first amendment, reproductive, LGBTQ rights and more. Our thanks to Bethany’s Lynn Heinisch for attending the “Power to the People” phone conference in early March 2017. Here are her notes from the speakers:

Anthony Romero, ACLU executive director:
We must never despair even when we lose. This is worth fighting for. We will not cede this ground. Even in darkest moments. In democracy, these are not just rights. In this era, these are obligations.

Faiz Shakir, ACLU national political director:
Towns and cities should be cities of resistance — “freedom cities” — they have constitutional rights of their own.

  • ACLU/people power promoting 9 draft ordinances to make cities welcoming to all.
  • Action items:
    1. Read Action Plan on, to make freedom cities.
    2. Amidst a hate agenda, we continue to live our love – live our values. “Meet a hate agenda with real actions with an equal and opposite reaction.”
Lee Rowland, ACLU first amendment lawyer:
Places where public can protest: right to assemble/protest on sidewalks and parks “constitutionally protected spaces”
  • Airport officials, etc., can’t stop you from exercising your right to free speech.
  • Points to note:
    1. Record anything you can. You have the right to photograph anything in public view.
    2. If confronted by police: You have the right to remain silent, and refuse being searched. Ask them if you have the right to leave (note: ACLU site has great one-pager “know your rights” on what to do if stopped by police, ICE or FBI. Is available in multiple languages:

      “Know Your Rights”
Andre Segura on Immigrants rights:
  • Be aware of the Freedom City Initiative.
  • Be aware of raids as 10K more ICE agents have been ordered by the administration, twice as many as present.
  • Know that there were 2,000 group meetings, like this one, around the country.”

Sign: ''In Our America''
All-purpose Marching Poster, 2017-02-25

Web programmer: Demian