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Bethany United Church of Christ

   Reverend Angela Ying, Pastor   ||   206-725-7535   ||
   6230 Beacon Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98108 (at Beacon and Graham)
  ||   Map
Welcome & Weekly Events About Beloved Bethany Mission
Ministries Concrete Actions Give Now
Inspirational Quotes: 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024

Welcome to the Beloved Bethany Community
Autumn Walk
Take Time to Go for an Autumn Walk

Inspirational Quotes
  • The Summons” by John Bell

    “Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
    Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same?
    Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known,
    Will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?

    “Will you leave yourself behind if I but call your name?
    Will you care for cruel and kind and never be the same?
    Will you risk the hostile stare should your life attract or scare?
    Will you let me answer prayer in you and you in me?

    “Will you let the blinded see if I but call your name?
    Will you set the prisoners free and never be the same?
    Will you kiss the leper clean and do such as this unseen,
    And admit to what I mean in you and you in me?

    “Will you love the “you” you hide if I but call your name?
    Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?
    Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around
    Through my sight and touch and sound in you and you in me?

    “God, your summons echoes true when I but call your name!
    Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
    In your company I’ll go where your love and footsteps show.
    Thus I’ll move and live and grow in you and you in me.”

    - John Lamberton Bell (b.1949) is a Scottish hymn-writer and Church of Scotland minister.
    A member of the Iona Community, a broadcaster, and former student activist.
    Responding to the suicide of Lizzie Lowe, who was afraid to tell her parents
    about her sexuality, John Bell came out as gay during an address at
    Greenbelt Festival. Since 2021, he has been a patron of the
    Open Table Network, an ecumenical Christian
    community for LGBT people and their allies.

Invitations and upcoming events the Bethany United
Church of Christ community is invited to participate:

None at this time.
Have a good fall!

Bethany Sunday Services

In Person: 10:30 am Pacific

10:30 am Pacific, 11:30 am Mountain,
12:30 pm Central, 1:30 pm Eastern

We are excited to come and gather together in God’s love
in worship and community whether it is in person or zoom.

Our Worship is followed by a shared meal.
All are Beloved of God.
Peace, Shalom, Salaam.

Beloved Community

Pray without ceasing. Bethany Church prays, as we grow beloved community, for all in our community of faith, our neighborhoods, city and country, others countries and all of God’s Creation.

We pray for peace amidst war, love amidst hate, compassion amidst despair, courage amidst fear. We pray for all of our sisters and brothers here and around the world, especially all who are sick, lonely, anxious, fearful, struggling, homeless, unemployed and healing and wholeness, grace and strength for the day.

“Lead us from death to life,
from falsehood to truth,
from despair to hope,
from fear to trust.”

“Lead us from hate to love,
from war to peace;
let peace fill our hearts,
let peace fill our world,
let peace fill our universe.

adapted from “The World Peace Prayer”

  • Sign of the Times

  • Give Now

    To donate, please click here:

    Accepting Credit Cards, and PayPal

    Immigration Efforts

    Our beloved Bethany Church community shines by standing in solidarity with our migrants, who have the human, and legal right, to seek refuge in America.
    • South and Central Migrants Rapid Response Network
      Faith and community leaders from around the city gather monthly at Bethany United Church of Christ to teach “Know Your Rights,” and to support immigrants, refugees, and migrants by standing up to every day injustices.

    • Standing Alongside Our Muslim Sisters and Brothers
      Bethany Partners with Muslim Association of Puget Sound
      #Repeal the Ban. No Ban Act!

    • Creating Cards
      To send cards to our thousands of asylum-seeking neighbors who have recently fled extreme violence in Central America, to build new lives in the United States. - Contact: Jared Howe

    • Collecting Blankets, Gloves, Hats
      Please help fill our boxes with new and lightly-used warm clothing, for our homeless sisters and brothers. - Contact the Church office for donations and delivery: 206-725-7535, or write to

    • Hundreds of Families and Neighbors in Need
      Together we support our neighbors and community with food, clothing, supplies, resources, mutual aid. Go to the “Donate” page and make a contribution, as we sponsor Tiny House Villages, individuals and families, youth, immigrants and refugees through out the year and holidays.

    • Renewing Pledges and Financial Support
      Help promote justice, loving kindness, and to walking humbly with God, here in our church, communities, and around the world!

    • Post-Worship Services Community Meals
    To reach all, call 206-725-7535, or write to

             Further Immigration Resources

                   Northwest Immigrants Rights Project (NWIRP)

    Sunset on Water
    Sunset on Water

    Weekly Events
    Sunday - 10:30 am
    Worship and Music followed by a shared meal in the church sanctuary and hospitality room. Be renewed, refueled, reinvigorated for the week, by the grace of God in growing Beloved Community. All are welcome. - We meet via the computer program, Zoom. For Zoom instructions, please email during the week.
    Refugee Women’s Alliance (ReWA)
    ReWA Preschool Headstart Program
         For toddlers to pre-K, Half Day and Full Day
         Sliding scale, based on income.
    Rainier Valley Cooperative Preschool
    Leadership Training for Youth and Young People
    Youth Undoing Institutionalized Racism (YUIR)
    Ending the Prison Industrial Complex (EPIC)
         Meets in the church annex.
         YUIR and EPIC are led by Senait Brown,
         community leaders and mentors..
    Bethany United Church of Christ continues to work in community
    partnership with our Muslim brothers and sisters of Muslim
    Association of Puget Sound
    (MAPS), alongside our Buddhists
    brothers and sisters, and all people of faith, as well as no faith.
    Friday and Saturday
    Falun Gong, Buddhist and Taoist teaching and meditation.
    Samoan Choir practice
    Church and Community Meetings, Gatherings, Discussions and Public Forums
    Continuing work at Bethany
    Staying Healthy in Body, Mind, and Spirit Community Support.
    Racial, Economic and Environmental/Climate Justice.
    Make a Sandwich for Our Neighbors.
    Sponsoring our Tiny House Villages in Georgetown, Othello, and True Vine in the CD.

    About Bethany (in Brief)

    Bethany United Church of Christ’s vision in seeking to be God’s Beloved Community on earth, come from the prophetic words of Micah:
    What does God require of You? To do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.
    Refugees and immigrants welcome here. No ban. No wall. Stop the deportations.

    You are Beloved! I am Beloved! We Are Beloved! All Are Beloved of God!

    Each and every one is needed in growing Beloved Community. Please support our social justice and ministry at Beloved Bethany with a donation of any amount to: Bethany United Church of Christ. You and your generosity and kindness are making a difference in our community and around the world. Thank you for giving generously.

    NOTE: Throughout the year, Bethany Church will be leading in “Share the Gift of Love,” providing for our neighborhood children. Please bring new, or lightly used, men and women’s gloves and scarves. Please let pastor Angela Ying know if you are willing to participate and help.

    Thank you.

    Painting by Kelly Simpson Hagen
    Painting by Kelly Simpson Hagen

    Web programmer: Demian